David Bowie ‘Blackstar’ Miniseries to Premiere on Instagram

A 16-episode visual interpretation of David Bowie’s final album, “Blackstar,” is set to debut exclusively this week on Facebook’s Instagram.

The influential rock star, who died Jan. 10, last fall provided music and images from “Blackstar” to InstaMiniSeries, a startup that creates episodic programming exclusively for Instagram.

The result is “Unbound: A Blackstar InstaMiniSeries.” Completed in December 2015, the series will take viewers “on a journey of evocative images inspired by the moods suggested in the album’s music, lyrics and artwork,” according to the producers." - Keep reading here.

David Bowie's Blackstar to be turned into Instagram miniseries


David Bowie’s Blackstar Album To Become ‘Unbound’ Instagram Miniseries